Thursday, 7 June 2007

Taster Session Animations!

Well here they are! The animations created at the 'Taster Sessions' last week. And they look great! And for the first time you can see your animations with the sound you created too. Let us know what you think of them by adding a comment to this Blog...

Park animation: (Patrick, George, Jennifer, Billy)

Flipbook animation: (Everyone)

Edward animation:

Ruth animation:

Sian animation:

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Half-term cartoon heaven!

Well it's finally begun! After many months of careful planning, it was great to get going with the BioMation half term workshops. I thoroughly enjoyed working with so many talented children, young people and artists. I had a ball making flipbooks with everybody and I can't wait to see them with the sound tracks everyone was creating with Dan. Watching the filmed flipbooks on the computer was a real buzz. It was cool to see so many familiar faces from Wednesday come back on Friday and do even more amazing animation.

I'm looking forward to seeing lots of you again when we start making animated films about diabetes. Keep posted - the animated flipbooks will appear on the blog in the next few days... can't wait!